Wednesday 28 September 2016

LO2 Inspiration


The Artist Script, Is a Silent film that is based in the right era that we wanted to emulate. this script also had a lot of scene description to make the film flow. I have seen this film and highly enjoyed it.,_The.pdf


The short film Unwind, Inspired us in the creation of our short film because of the raw emotions in the film, which was created by very quick transitions and the music in the short film.


The short film 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice, by Alfred Hitchcock, inspired me because of the old fashioned look of the film, which is because the film was aired in 1961 and will use this as a reference for the finished look of our film and the language style of the era (even though the released was slightly later).


The shot film 'Sight' inspired us because of the subtlety of disturbance created in the piece, that isn't fully realise till the end of the film when the main actor wipes the main actresses memory at the end of their date. The disturbing nature of the film really inspired the first draft of the ending.


The script for the Radio Drama 'The Sound Barrier' inspired us in creating our script because it gave us a good example of naturally flowing dialogue between characters and this helped us with styling the dialogue to fit our films genre.

LO2 Target audience and Mood board

Target Audience Profile:

Amelia is a 30 year old woman who lives in central Sheffield and enjoys going to watch films (especially silent films).Her favourite film is 'The Music Box' by Laurel and Hardy. When she is not watching films she works as a Marketing and Advertising Specialist in Sheffield city centre. One of Amelia's hobbies is crafting and making cards for her friends.  She falls in the NRS Category B. This is so she can afford to live in central Sheffield and afford to pay for her hobbies with her disposable income.

Target Audience Moodboard:

LO2 Ideas Mindmap and Film Mood board

Mood board for the silent film idea

LO2 Storyboards

LO2 Production Plan and treatment


Film Title: The burning Candlestick.

Film Length: 
I would prefer to make the short film approximately 5-7 minutes long. This is because it is within the timeframe given in the brief.

My film will be silent film. This is because I enjoy this type of film and they seem more dramatic and fun to make. The genre of this film will be slap stick comedy.
Character List:
As it is a silent film we don't need to name the characters as we don't here them/ the audience won't know them.

Plot synopsis:
The plot to the silent film is that a woman walks into the park and makes a startling discovery.

A man is found half buried in a sandpit with a burning candlestick next to the person.  

She checks to make sure that he is not dead. He wakes up and dazed they run away, leaving the candlestick with the woman. She takes the candlestick home and ends up caught in a web of lies, blackmail and murder... her murder.

Crew required
Crew I will require are:
Camera person
Hair/Makeup Artist

Equipment required:
Hair Things (curlers, hairbrush, hairspray, clips, hat)

Production schedule:

Suggested locations
  • Park (with swings) e.g. Manor fields park
  • Cemetery e.g. city road cemetary 
  • A normal, domestic house

LO1 Analysis of scripts Tutor feedback