Monday 12 September 2016

LO1 Analysis of scripts.

The scripts I am going to analyse and compare are; The artist ( a silent film), Scripts for newscast , Example Radio Script, and video game script example.

A- Style and content (compare scripts)

All scripts are written in Courier New, font size 12. This is because it makes the script easier to read as it is a clear size and a clear font. It also links back to the days when scripts were written on typewriters. This is shown in all of the scripts I have looked at. this is because it is an industry standard font and font size.

Some scripts will have character descriptions because they benefit the actors. This is because it helps them to understand the role. This is shown in both the TV (mostly) and Radio drama scripts. They are set up very similarly, if not the same. This is so it translates easily across most script uses/ forms. This is used in the script to benefit the actor by saying a little about each character so that the voice actor can develop the person in a similar way an actor would on stage (in plays such as Macbeth) or on television shows (such as the cartoon Scooby Doo). 

The TV news script I analysed differs from this because the news doesn't have a character description as it is a fact-based programme and has no need for this.  But a News script does have a list for the cast showing where they are going to be filming and who they are representing as can be seen in the script. 

A video game script may show a flow chart because it shows the options of response for the character based on the options given to the player by the programmer. It would give the audience options on the game because it gives them the choice to play the game. They also have options is to give the audience a form of escapism (Dennis McQuail 1972). This can be seen in the 'Video Game script example' I analysed. The flow chart shows this by giving this option: "Player is in the room. There is a book on the floor. ---> (player tries to leave) Hero: I think I’m forgetting something.")  (The other option is: There is a book on the floor. ---> (Player picks up book) Hero: "Hey! This is the super secret book of Top Secret Codes and Ciphers that I need!")

The characters and presenters sections in a film/ news broadcast will always be justified to the middle. This is to make it easier to see and read. It differentiates the readable text from any other information that may be given to the presenter’s/ character. This is best shown in the example TV News script as all of the news reporters lines are justifies to the middle of the page and it makes it easier for them to understand, especially as a lot of it is written on an autocue for them to read from as the news is up to the minute. This compares to the radio drama that is set out quite similarly, but is used differently (the radio script is often remembered and either per recorded or recorded live). Also in news/ tv scripts have the camera/ SFX decisions shown justified to the right. This can be seen in the transitions between studio to the locations the reporters are telling their segments whilst they are on TV (as in BBC News).

We would have a synopsis at the beginning of a video game because it sets the scene of the game and lets them know what will be happening in the game. It also allows the player to know their options in the game. This is well shown in the diagram for the example video game scripts options of communication in the synopsis. This is because it is the only script that I had analysed that has a diagram to show the options of the audience. This is because the other scripts have no use/ need for this as in a radio show/ news broadcast the audience has to watch/ listen to them chronologically and not pick and choose the storylines themselves. This can be seen in many Video games such as Grand theft Auto to set the scene before a mission.

Intonation in scripts are very important for the actors because it shows them where they are supposed to be or how they are supposed to say the line (whether angry or happy). It also tells the actors to enter or exit the shot and at what point in the scene. This is best shown in the example radio drama script. This was made clearest to me because of the line (Groans) (in the script) when Samantha is speaking to Mr Perkins about a dog that she doesn't own. In this case the stage directions are used to show the way that the line is to be said but they can be used to show movement.

Stage directions are also Important in scripts because they tell the actors where to stand and how to move across the stage/ screen. This can be seen in both TV scripts. An example of Stage directions in a script is (weping) from the script Pyramus and This be, slide 1. Stage Directions are also justified within the body of the speech and is encompassed in brackets. This is to make the stage directions stand out from the speech. 

Sound effects are presented on a script is Capital, bold and underlined to show the sound effects to open. They are finished by either saying (E.G.SOUND OUT) or they are shown next to the characters lines (V/O)/ (OFF- Pitching). The sound effects are also justified to the centre. This is best example of this is shown in the example radio script as this shows these sound effects in a script the best as can be seen in the line , in comparison to the other scripts I have looked at. 

Mode of address is the way the storyline is being told to the audience. The different modes of address are peer-peer, parent- child and teacher to pupil. The difference between the thee of these mode of address is the formality of what is being said and the authoritative tone that comes with parent-child and teacher-pupil that is not there for peer-peer (as they are equals and speak informally). 

 A good example of mode of address is the example News Script.  This is  because it uses formal language and is used to educate people on world events. This can be seen in the lines "The township 1 have threatened to go to the state court to get an injunction against the open garbage dump in Analysis" and this is justified to the centre of the page. A News Script is an example of Teacher- Pupil mode of address but can also be interpreted as Parent- Child mode of address.

Another example of mode of address can be seen within The example radio drama script. This mode of address would be peer-peer. This is because it is chatty/ informal and can be seen in the script with the lines : MR PERKINS (OFF- Pitching) Hello...?!   
SAMANTHA (Groans) Oh no. What does he want now? 
JASON (Whispers) Who is he?
From this we see a typical falling out between neighbours and a friend talking to another friend. 

Narrative structure:

 A single stranded narrative structure is a narrative that is pushed forward by a central character. An example of this is film or video games (as can be seen in the example video game script mind map). This is used because it keeps the video game/ film consistently and keeps it heading in the right direction. As well as that it keeps the game/ film entertaining.

A multi –stranded narrative structure is a narrative that is pushed forward by more than one main character. An example of this is films. This is used because there may not be only a single main character and this helps to give the show/ film a better narrative and make it more interesting. An example of a film that follows a multi narrative structure is the Marvel Avengers film.

A linear narrative structure is a narrative structure that is told in a pre set order of events. An example of this is theatre shows/ pantomime. This is because it shows the events of the story in a way that is easy to follow and is well known by children.

A non – linear narrative structure is a narrative structure that doesn't follow the strict linear narrative of the piece. An example of this is certain screenplays.This is used because it gives the play more depth and it makes the audience to wonder on what is happening next.

TV News is a running order of stories that go down in an order of most important (breaking news) to often seen (less important) news. They often are based around large happenings such as celebrity divorce or terror attacks and lead down to healthy eating and other story segments.


The following scripts would fall into the fictional category; Film, Radio drama and computer game. This is because commonly these are based on fictional stories and even if they are based on a true story they are often changed and turned into a work of fiction. 

Whereas the TV news script would be categorised as a fictional script. This is because they are based on real life and have not been fictionalised at all as they are used to inform and educate people on real life events. 

Target audience:

The target audience for the artist script is women aged 25-35 who like to watch silent films/ old Hollywood films. They would like them because of the glamour and would fall into the ABC category C2. This is because of the cost of going to see the film and would need disposable income.

The target audience for the Scripts for newscast is men between the age of 35-40 who are professionals and like to keep up with the gongs on in the world. They would fit with the ABC rating as B.
The target audience for the Example Radio Script is women between the age of 30-35 who listen to the radio frequently and enjoy listening to radio dramas to and from work. They would fit into the ABC category B. This is because they would have disposable income to not work as often to be able to listen to the radio shows.

The target audience for the video game script example is men between the age of 16- 18 who spend a lot of time playing video games and little else. they would be in the ABC category of C2, depending on the income of their parents if they didn't have a job of there own.

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